Wednesday 8 May 2013

Evaluation Question 5

By clicking here you can watch iWatch annotated in response to question 5.

Monday 22 April 2013

Evaluation Plan

We have selected a couple questions each to tackle and we will then combine them into Prezi as this will ensure our presentation is media rich and will keep the audience interested.
Another advantage of using Prezi as our presentation tool is that all 3 of us can access the same account at once therefore this will be time efficient.

Evaluation Questions

1. In what ways does your film opening use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real film openings?

2. How does your film opening represent particular social groups?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your film opening and why?

4. Who would be the audience for your film opening?

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Sunday 21 April 2013

Post Production: Sound

Music and sound effects is vital in horror films as I found out in my earlier research. We have found a copyright free track from  This track is effective in our opening as it has a childlike ring to it, suggesting connotations such as the victim being to young to die. Also we have matched the beginning of the ringing with the start of the clips of the woods which proved to work very well. Below is the sound track we used for the beginning of our opening.

The next music clip we use is from for the rest of the planned storyboard.It has a slow, eerie, electronic feel to it which is great for the sequence of clips of them walking and coming across confusing and suspicious things. Much more of an impact is made in terms of the events occurring and the suspense is built.

We put the audio from the video of the iPhone over the top so that it is clearer to hear the sound also it makes it clearer to the audience why they are startled. The laughter in the background makes the scene a lot more creepy, also it allows the audience to establish the character as 'Josh' and the person who is a victim.

Sound effects we used include a typewriter, a bang and a rustle in the bushes. This enhances things that occur in our opening and make everything more dramatic.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Post Production: Adding Titles

To ensure our opening looks like an opening, it is essential to include titles. To help with this, I looked back at my my previous blog post about Art of the Title. In that blog post I had incorporated images from footage which reminded me how I liked the style of Se7ens opening titles.

Finding the right font is important. At first, this was proving a difficult task as on Final Cut to look at each font you have to individually click on each one to preview it. Fortunately we found an application called 'Font Book' in which we could look through all the fonts quickly and easily until we found one we thought would fit in with our opening. We chose 'Courier New' as it reflects a technological feel which fits in with our film as it revolves around an iPhone.

To make a title, go into the 'Effects' tab then go into 'Video generators' and then 'Text' you will then be able to type in your title and alter the font. Here is a preview of one of our titles. If you then want to reposition your title, click a box in the canvas area and select 'Image+Wireframe' this allows you to drag your title to wherever you desire it to be.

Also I feel it is important to get the right duration of each title so that the audience don't become uninterested. Therefore to change the duration, right click on the clip you would like to change and click on duration. A box will pop up, as show below which will allow you to then decide how long you want the clip to be.

Some titles were placed over the top of other clips. This is done by simply dragging your title above the selected clip.

We chose to add some effects to the text so that not all of them were completely static as with added effects our titles looked a lot more effective and interesting. To do so, firstly go into the 'Effects' tab, then into 'Video Filters' and then look through what style you would like to add. We chose to go into 'Distort' and then selected 'Earthquake' to add a disorientated feel.

To add this to your selected title drag it on top of the clip in the sequence below.

For our final title of 'iWatch', we thought that having the simple effect that the other titles wasn't effective enough in communicating to the audience what the rest of the film has in store for them. Therefore we linked in the theme of being watched and recorded into the title. As you can see below, this looks a lot more interesting. Plus we then added an effect to make the background shake.