Monday, 17 December 2012

Planning: Location Planning for Opening

Location One: Park

One idea for our location was a park. The park only has some swings in and has potential to be manipulated into something quite sinister. There is quite a bit of open space within the park too.

There were some problems we came across when looking at this option in more depth. First of all the lack of trees and numerous houses around mean that it cannot be as creepy as we would lik. Also making the location appear secluded could prove difficult as there are house all around the park. Another issue is that there is not a tree or any object we could use as a memorial.

Location Two: Open Field

We decided upon location two, a local field to locate our opening of iWatch. This is due to the practicality as it is accessible for us and our cast members. The field is fairly large and open and is also surrounded by trees which is a typical convention of horror films for it to be a secluded location resulting in the film having an eerie start. Below is the field we are planning on using.

In our storyboard we have planned for the three friends to walk up towards a tree , this is a shot to show the route they will take. Notice they will be walking towards trees which look dark and quite sinister.

Above is the tree that will be used as a memorial for the victim, Josh. This tree was chosen because it stands out from the rest of the trees in the background, making it a focus point. Plus the surroundings of the tree are secluded as shown in the picture on the right.

Above was an alternative tree. This would have been a good tree to focus on as it is withered and creepy. However it is impractical to film when taking in to consideration of the surround effects and would not have the same outcome as the tree we finally chose, shown in previous pictures.

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