Friday, 9 November 2012

Photography Rules

In the technology part of our task we need to look at rules of photography in order to get good quality video. Hopefully this will result in the production of good footage for our main task.

The rule of thirds is where a picture is broken down into thirds, horizontally and vertically. This creates 9 sections. It is used by placing points of interesting at the intersections or along the lines as the human eye naturally looks at those parts first. Overall this makes a photograph much more appealing. However it is said that rules are made to be broken and many photographers don't use this rule and still achieve balanced and interesting shots.

The lines in the rule of thirds. This grid can be visible on most cameras so that it is easier to follow this rule and create a better photo.

Also the idea of 'looking space' should be put in place for portrait photography. Which is where the way a persons face is facing there should be more space that side than the other side. This is to ensure a photo not looking awkward and overall to make it appear easier on the eye.

For an example I have attempted to take a 'good' portrait photo. I did so by trying to incorporate the rules mentioned above.

This shows the use of the rule of thirds, as the eye is placed on an intersection this makes it the main focus of the photo and the 'looking space' as space is significantly larger the side she is looking than the other side.

To improve on this photo I would ensure on better lighting. For example by creating one side of the face with light and the other with shadow this could create an interesting and flattering effect.

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