Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Preliminary Task: Group Discussion and Screenplay

In today's lesson we sorted ourselves into groups and began to create the plan of our Preliminary task. I'm in a group with Tayla Thorley and Holeigh Perkins. We named our group DENCH Films.

We came up with the idea that a boy would approach a girl and tell an unfunny knock knock joke in the hope to cheer her up. However that backfires. 


Interior: Canteen : Midday

Dave walks down through the canteen, into the the sixth form canteen area and sits opposite Susan. Susan is sitting by herself seeming annoyed and upset.

Dave: What's wrong?
Susan: Nothing.
Dave: Knock, knock!
Susan: Who's there?
Dave: Dummy.
Susan: Dummy who?
Dave: Dummy a favour and go away!

Susan is unimpressed, stands up and throws a book at him. Dave is left confused.

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