Sunday, 3 February 2013

Planning: Shot List

Below is a list of all the types of camera shots that will be used in our opening and a summary of what will happen in them. This helps us to clearly show what should be happening in each clip without going into too much detail.

ELS = Extreme long shot 
LS = Long shot
MS = Mid shot
CU = Close up
ECU = Extreme close up
OSS = Over the shoulder shot

Shot 1: ELS - Establishing the secluded field as the location.
Shot 2: ELS - The 3 friends begin walking towards Josh's memorial.
Shot 3: LS -  The 3 friends reach Josh's memorial.
Shot 4: LS - A friend places the picture frame down.
Shot 5: CU - The objects at Josh's memorial are shown in more detail.
Shot 6: CU - A match is lit.
Shot 7: LS - The candle is lit and placed down.
Shot 8: ECU - Eye.
Shot 9: ECU - Nose.
Shot 10: ECU - Mouth.
Shot 11: LS - Friends walk over to where Josh's voice is coming from.
Shot 12: CU - iPhone is picked up.
Shot 13: OSS - Video of Josh at a party is watched.
Shot 14: MS - Friends look startled when they hear a sudden noise.
Shot 15: LS - Friends rush back over to Josh's memorial.
Shot 16: CU - The damaged objects are shown in detail.
Shot 17: MS - Their facial expressions are shown to portray feelings.
Shot 18: ELS - The friends are being 'watched' through the trees.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Planning: Storyboard for Opening

Below is our finished storyboard for our opening of iWatch. We will be using this in the filming process to help with camera shots, angles and movement as well as what is actually happening within each clip.

Edit: Before the start of the sequence show in the storyboard we plan on adding in clips of the woods to create suspense. Also in the middle of clips 8,9 and 10 we will add in some extra clips that make our opening more effective in the horror genre.